About us
Welcome to Chelston Hall Surgery
Drs Paley, Solari, Cannizzaro, Buschtoens, Patch and Kurup welcome you to our website. We hope that all our patients will find helpful advice about our practices and the services we offer. Chelston Hall Surgery is a friendly family practice located in Chelston with a branch site at Barton, Torquay. Our practice covers the whole of Torquay and extends into parts of Paignton.
Alongside the six GP Partners we have six salaried GPs, Dr Shoare, Dr Darlow, Dr Koloh, Dr John, Dr Wai and Dr Nation who work across both of our sites. As a training practice we also have other doctors, known as GP Registrars, medical students and nurse students attached to the practice for up to one year at a time as part of their postgraduate training. We have a team of practice nurses, health visitors and midwives, enabling us to offer our patients a wide range of services.
We believe in helping our patients to make healthy choices and supporting them to best manage their health problems. We recognise the limitations of many drug treatments and promote the importance of self-help and non-drug treatments in managing many chronic complaints.
We offer a full range of services for our patients including Baby Clinic, Child Development, Maternity Care and Chronic health disease.
To read our Patient Information Leaflet please click HERE